Chapter 7 : Section 16
Quality Assurance
The Department shall maintain quality assurance and continuous quality improvement mechanisms to evaluate services, identify strengths and weaknesses, and, when necessary, ensure corrective actions are taken.
Quality assurance and continuous quality improvement are the shared responsibility of DCS Program Supervisors, DCS Program Managers, the Business Intelligence Unit, the Safety Analysis Review Team, the Protective Services Review Team, the Office of Continuous Improvement, the Consultation and Research Team, the Practice Improvement Unit and DCS Administrators.
The Department shall assure quality and continuous quality improvement through:
the DCS Management System;
clinical and administrative case supervision;
practice improvement case reviews; and
the continuous quality improvement process.
The Practice Improvement Unit will complete practice improvement reviews at least annually for every region in the state.
Quality Assurance
DCS management receives the aggregate case review results at least annually.
For information regarding case supervision and supervisory case reviews, see Providing Strength-Based Supervision.
Practice Improvement Case Reviews (PICRs)
The Practice Improvement Case Reviews (PICRs) provides a method to identify strengths, areas needing improvement, and contributing issues in Arizona’s child welfare system. Practice Improvement (PI) staff review a random sample of initial assessment, in-home service, and out-of-home cases from each section across the state to measure the rate of outcome achievement and gauge current practice related to the Department’s safety, permanency, and well-being goals.
Review of initial assessment cases focuses on the application of the SAFE AZ process. Review of in-home and out-of-home cases, as well as other areas requiring improvement for which qualitative information is needed, is limited to Department goals that cannot be measured through Guardian or other quantitative data.
Practice Improvement staff hold unit, section or individual meetings with field staff to share the results and trends identified through the PICR process.
Using the PICR process, the Department:
identifies practices and systemic factors that enable or hinder positive safety, permanency, and well-being outcomes for children and families;
provides Department management, committees, and workgroups with information to identify and initiate improvement activities;
provides an opportunity for direct service and management staff to learn from peers; and
identifies training needs for direct service and management staff.
Upon the request of DCS management, the PI Unit conducts targeted reviews of a specific practice area to more fully understand the scope of the identified practice.
Practice Improvement Communication Reviews- Hotline
Randomly selected communications received at the Arizona Child Abuse Hotline are reviewed using a standardized review instrument based on standards set by training, policy, and procedure. Unit feedback meetings are held with Hotline staff to share the results and trends identified through the PICR process.
Child and Family Services Reviews (CFSRs)
The PI Unit coordinates with the federal oversight entity, the Children's Bureau, to conduct the CFSRs, which are periodic reviews of state child welfare systems, to achieve three goals:
ensures conformity with federal child welfare requirements;
determines what is actually happening to children and families as they are engaged in child welfare services; and
assists states in helping children and families achieve positive outcomes.
The CFSRs are a part of the DCS continuous quality improvement cycle, including the development of a Program Improvement Plan (PIP) to address areas identified as needing improvement.
A.R.S § 8-455. Centralized intake hotline; purposes; report of possible crime; DCS report; risk assessment tools; access to information; public awareness; definitions
A.R.S. § 8-458 Inspections bureau; monitoring and evaluation; quality assurance process